Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
Omnes populi quoniam confirmata est Super nos misericordia ejus Et veritas domini manet in aeterum (2) Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper Et in saecula saeculorum. amen (Repeat 1st verse)
Rodonaka Bhaiye
Rodonaka Bhaiye Ani suzeinaka dhole (2)
Aatan dissaa fuule, aave aaponk yatai powle Aaichan ataan disaa fuule,
aave aaponk yatai powle Giite thonpe thanul Bhaiya aaj tunkar mo puno (2)
Tuje nowracha kustaar, bhaiye loniyak laagon gundo Aamkar bore kaais Bhaiya paatir bore weene (2)
Watai mu bow bhowney, Bhaiya, aamche sanghateney (2)
Wutso waatsgo bhaiye Tuje nowrayaa beraa baare (2)
Aamso somestechanso moewgu, bhai tuje kalzante duvore (2)
Wutso waatsgo bhaiye Tuje barbarachaa garaa (2)
Tumka raaze karne raave, tuje maai-maaveacha garaa Suukannt raaze karne raave, tuje maai-maaveacha garaa
It's the wedding day; nuptials over, the ladies help the bride wear her wedding sado, and ornate her hair with flowers (jasmins and abolim). When she is fully adorned, the groom is ushered in, and the two are now escorted to their seat of honor. While being seated the audience chants the song: " SOVO SOVO SURNGARONE "
Sovo sovo surngarone
Sovo sovo surngarone
hanthull-hanthulleli sarsi!
Manik, manik, nirphol zalan; Voretha, voretha, dhave kusin.
Vokol, vokol aani bore Yentik, yentik bur polaani Thanso, thansolai lo paatte Dholan, dholanso polani Aami , aami wudekshithu Biinge, biingelai chaamulaa Boretarn, boretarn haate dilaa Dharmiir,
dharmirichaa fuulaa Dhaarmiir, Dhaarmirichaa daali Dhaarmiir, Dhaarmirichaa piiklaa Eicha, eicha Fulaan jitle
Sovo, sovo surngarone, don thin, don thin phodlin ponthan.
Ayer, ayer rathe bhoslianth Dhoghain, dhoghain, bhaghevonthan. Uzven, uzven phutizo Vangel, dhaven, dhaven kusin modlo, Sacra, Sacramenthe zodlo, Dhoghain, dhoghain auvnkwariani.
While drinks and snacks are being served, the bride and bridegroom are being honored by several medleys. The following song "Ghulobancho Jhelo" (a garland of roses) expresses the excitement of the fathers-in-law over their new acquisitions:
Ghulobancho Jhelo
Ghulobancho jhelo; Ugthia pattar zalo, (2)
Ghorkarnicho kelore viva, mauan ayer kelo (2)
Utuur Bore Paatu, suufaar Bore Layi SovyaaK Fuulair. Zaayiere Viva. AamChe wokol Bhai (2)
Angur Sangle yaatso, Dhivor Mani yaatso Dhayan puuli yaatso, Puvare Viva Aamso Borat Baapu (2)
Angur Sangle yaatchi, Somoy Mani yaatchi Daya Puleyeche, Puvare Viva Aamche Vokol Bhai (2)
Rukad kithlian phutan, Molin dumra kayi, (2)
Bapod montha, rayi re viva, amcho voreth babe. (2)
Luktan kithlian ponthan, Voilian dumra pani, (2)
Bapod montha, rani re viva, amchi vokal bayi. (2)
And now the sad and solemn moment of farewell.
The bride's parents lead their daughter-bride to her in-laws, and with tears in their eyes offer their dear girl to their care.
Aamche Garant
Aamche garaant andhkar dawnklaa
(Darkness has come over our home)
Tumche garaant uzwaad phanklaa (Repeat)
(but there is brightness in your home)
Baiye ke yedowl mogan kouslun Dita amka tumkan wopsun
(We loved her and took care of her, Now we will give her to you)
Maanoun getaaw uttar dittauw Tumi kelo to sosmowge kartaa (Repeat)
(We accept and promise Full love and devotion)
The bridegroom with his retinue and in procession now leads his bride to his home. As he enters his house, his folks greet them with song. The groom's folks apparently did not foresee an early arrival of the bridal ensemble. They were tarried inside with chores. The entourage is angered by this delay. A dialogue ensues between the two parties. They fling guilt-trips onto each other in the process. Finally they are reconciled, and the ensemble enters in at the last verse of the song:
Bhailian Ailo Vor
Bhailian ailo vor, run ami nenan, zanvliaun vele
Nenan zanvliaun vele, rukhar zalta,
Vaten violthek ramb ani rebhek, konthar salanth,
Rebhek, konthar salanth, uzvad phankla,
Ghara dhogain auvnkwariancho,uzvad phankla
Ghara dhogain auvnkwariancho.
Poilo kozno koryan ami bhogun kozno koryan,
Komyo kozno koryan.
Laudate Konthar Kame Rodhan bithore yeyan,
Laudate Konthar,Kame Rodhan bithore yeyan.
Ghearze Violancho, mukhar zalta, Ghearze Violancho.
Bhailian aile vor, mhunne ami dharnik ghalo bhare, Dharnik ghalo bhare.
Poilo naman, Kare Sorghinchia Deva Bapak,
Poilo naman, Kare Sorghinchia Deva Bapak.
Poise thauvne ailiaun ami thalnin, amche ghole, Thalnin amche ghole!
Hathan zodiyan Povle thumchia malghadianche,
Hathan zodiyan, Povle thumchia malghadianche.
Rodap tumcho sadhe, amcha khandhar ghalo bhanke, Khandhar ghalo bhanke.
Thoyyar keliathe Bhanke thumcha rodaniake,
thoyyar keliathe, Jersik yeke kami ami bhayle sarke yezmani,
Bhayle sarke Yezmani. Gathe sodhun Bhanke thumcha rodaniake.
Jersik yeke kami ami bhayle sarke yezmani,
Bhayle sarke Yezmani. Gathe sodhun
Ailiaum rodhan gharadharin, gathe sOdhun,
Ailiaum rodhan gharadharin.
Bhalian ailo vor, roon ami Bhesaum Dheva Bapachen,
Bhesaum Dheva Puthrachen.
Rajhi sanghun Ailiaum vodhanja bhogachen, rajhi sanghun,
Alliaum vodhanja bhogachen.
Bailaan aailo wuree ani Nennar zaalaar vaillou(2)
Mukaar dhaatyow, kaale aarthe villou laanso.(2)
Aarthe villou, devranth ani Rebeir karthar saalaan (2)
Wuzwaad faanklaa, garaanth dogaan ankwaar ravnso (2)
bhailaan ailon bore ani yezmaan zaalaar pushi (2)
Mukaar dhaantaw,boshi sankdank dube laanshi (2)
poilun kosonso sodyaa ani dusro koslo koryaa (2)
ravthar karta, Karn woraa ditar karya (2)
Having entered the house, the audience braces the bride with the following song:
Wugadi Dhar
Ugadi dhar sare bithore thuje shasulile ghaara (2)
Open the door, enter! the house of your in-laws
Nandaase wakale mowgaan s tuje sadaanche ghaara (2)
Treat lovingly your in-laws, and you will find a lovely eternal home
Wujwe payaan sare bithore tuje baangarache ghaara (2)
Place your right foot forward into your house of gold
Wugadi dhar sar bithore thuje shasuli ley ghaara (2)
Open the door, enter! the house of your in-laws
Yeh go Vokelai Aar tera wursaan powsunu
For years you have been raised
Aaz dilaa wopsunu Yeh go vokelai (2) Mukar salounu (Repeat)
Today you have been given away Come Bride Walk forward
Haath tuje sodonu sakdaank boree magunu
Leave your hand Take everyone's blessing
Yeh go vokelai (2) Wujwe payaana (Repeat)
Come Bride Right foot forward
Thond tuje fugainaka
Dont't let your face be swollen
Dhole tuje suzainaka
Don't let your eyes be sore
Maai ani maawu powle thali mowganna thuka (2) (Repeat 1st and 2nd verse)
Your Father and Mother in law will look after you lovingly
Uude Disaan
Uude uude disaan (2)
uude dana aamso felizaa uude dana aamso
Uude dana aamso felizaa Uude dana aamso
Sangrey matzo aaso (2)
Sangrey matzo aaso felizaa Amche wokol bhai
sangrey matzo aaso felizaa Amche wokol bhai
Haatanth dhulo aamor (2)
Pormol aane miryo felizaa Pormol aane miryo
Pormol aane miryo felizaa Pormol aane miryo
Ruupan distaa suryo (2)
Ruupan distaa suryo felizaa Aamso boraap baabu
Ruupan distaa suryo felizaa Aamso boraap baabu
Baara Baanda
Baara baanda rathya si boli
Baararu piyaacho (2)
Mysoreso amiz mudya si boli Voretarn ma wallyaacho (2)
Aapeleyechi bhaine se boli Maakalaik taa akoi (2)
Mawalleyecho mudyo voretarn Aamka sakdank dakhoin (2)
Nagna purbaa Waailar voretarn Mudyo Poithante mekoi (2)
Aiyaan Kailailya servoir saryanso Wutkar Moteenth aatoi (2)
Sura Gitya
Sura gitya tubo voretha
Mai aape eiita (2)
Dedaa poundachi mudi bangrachi, Mai deeta muunta (2)
Tivudi gaal voretha Vosenaka Misaar (2)
Disht zaithe tuka voretha, Nasht zaithe maka (2)
Turagita tubo voretha Maawu aape eiita (2)
baarawariso,shaalo zariso, Maawu ditaa munta (2)
Poishalo gaal voretha Hosanaka misaar (2)
Disht zaithe tuka woretha, Nasht zaithe maka (2)
Ankur Chedu
Ankur chedu waa tumka bangolechaa
Katyaak laagown illo wuzo dai kain go
Yowdey raatrichae saairi baailene kownu (2)
Koni neigh go ami sowg zaana (2) (Repeat)
Yowdey raatrichae saairi baailene kownu (2)
Taandyaak tonkyaan sow
chedwaa maawu go tuzo
Laambe kaadche sow
chedwaak bhavo ghatuzo
Chindulaan waananso chedwaa dev re gotuzzo
Meya mojan so chedwaa barthaar gothuzo
Dandya konyachaa mowgaan zaala mandriyaa
Laambe kadse chaar bhavya sobyaar niraya
Chindulaan baandaacha deraa gudaan
chepiyaa Neighya muje chaapardaraa bitar appoiya
Liai Liai Lo
Liai liai lo, liai liai lo,
Oh liai, liai, liai, liai, sambhaliailo. (2)
Ayayo mayayo, ayayo mayayo, ayayo mayayo, ayayo mayayo (2)
Undhir mame ailo, ani khatin pondha rigiD (2)
Ani mazurnicha pilan thaka yeka ghasan kadlo (2)
Ayayo mayayo, ayayo mayayo, ayayo mayayo, ayayo mayayo (2)
Tengde tuzo bhele ghe, vankudo thinkdo ghelolo (2)
Ani vankudo thinkdo ghelolo munone sonara kode dhilolo (2)
Sonariya bhauvdian sutha sama kelolo (2)
Ayayo mayayo, ...
Lambe tenkdi ade go cheduva bhindan kadoyan (2)
Ani bhindan kadcha cheduva laghin kazare zavonyan (2)
Ayayo mayayo, ....
Kolso na, razu na, bhainkode kithia ubhen go? (2)
Jhenvku na, kanvku na, pote koshen ubhen go? (2)
Ayayo mayayo, ....
Oh Liai liai lo; oh liai liai lo; Oh liai, liai, liai, liai, SAMBHAL LlAI LO. (2)